What I’ve Read This Week – 1/10/2015

I tend to tweet and retweet articles online throughout the week that I think are of interest.  You can follow me on Twitter if you would like.  I’m also going to try and write a quick weekly recap of articles and stories that I read for the week that I think are of interest to others.  I’ll try and write a little recap as to why I think it’s important, and sometimes I may actually write a separate blog post if I have more to say.   I know that there are a million + 1 blogs that have...

Smart Links from February 9th 2014

Word Science of Social Media is an infographic created by ShortStack which analyses the titles for highest social media sharing.  The infographic is broken down by Twitter, Facebook and Blog and displays the words in title that get that most shares.  A good read if you want to increase your social media shares. Value Investing goes Back to the Future discusses the apparent change in thinking of value investors (according to Barron’s Conway).  In recent years value investors were concerned with bankruptcy risk and book values but it appears that might have changed to forward-looking metrics like p/e ratios....

5 Links to read for January 20th 2014

How Momentum Investors Create Narrowing Breadth – As momentum plays run out, investors pile into a smaller pool of stocks thus creating a narrowing breadth of options until no more options are available. No Silver Bullets in Investing – By James Moniter thanks for PMJar.com – A single silver bullet option is not available in investing no matter how much investors try to find it. How To Create Your Own Cryptocurrency – Have you thought about how to create your own Bitcoin?  Well, it’s really not hard to create a new cryptocurrency, but it’s much more difficult to make it successful....

Good Reading from the week of January 20th 2014

Below are a collection of links that I have saved from my reading over the past week. Want a list of current EV/EBIT and EV/EBITDA ratios by industry?  Click here and you’ll see an updated list of industries with their EV/EBIT and EBITDA ratios as of this month.   The data is available as a download also from the link.  This comes from the great professor Damodaran. This article by Warren Buffet was dug up this week, and was written in 1999.  Remember 1999? That was the during the first internet stock market boom, and it is worthwhile to...

Useful Links for week of January 13th 2014

It’s becoming more difficult to find investments that are worthy of buying at current prices, so in the meantime, it’s never a bad idea to keep reading useful information.  Below are a few hyperlinks that I have collected over the past week that I found interesting and/or useful that I thought would be useful to others. Stock Grader Stock Grader wanted to sort companies by the Quality of the company and their earnings.  The result was a simple sorting of companies using dividend adjusted book value and volatility to determine the quality of the company.  More simply, it’s just...

Some Interesting Links

I wanted to post a few links that I found through the people who I follow on Twitter that I found interesting and useful.  I tweet and retweet links that I find of value but I don’t always publish them on my blog, so I figured I would start doing so. Tom Murphy interview from HBS If you have read the book The Outsiders than you are familiar with Tom Murphy and the Capital Cities/ABC history.  In this interview Tom Murphy provides a lot of good information about the history of Capital Cities and the philosophy and strategy that...